

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dogfish Shark

Walking along the beach right around sunrise I spotted this shark.  Right after I took this picture I tried nudging it back into the ocean, but the surf kept pushing it back to the shore.  I figured this was this shark's last sunrise, and there was not much I could do for it.  Part of the cycle of life.  It was still too early for the beach crowd.  At least it would die undisturbed.  A seagull flew overhead, squawking loudly, as if protesting my presence.  I know what he wanted.  I studied the shark.  Its eyes were still sharp,with that predatory scowl, but its gills were unmoving.  It was dead.  It was April.  Soon the waves and the tides would bring in a new season; a new summer.  Just as they always have, for thousands of years.        

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